October 4, 2018

Web Lic is a free, open source web browser based application for creating and editing LEGO instruction books. Simply import your 3D LDraw model, organize them into submodels, pages and steps, and export the end result as high resolution images or PDF.
This is a replacement for the aging and no longer maintained desktop version of Lic. It includes all of the features that were in desktop Lic, more or less, plus new features that would have been impossible to add to desktop Lic, like single steps that span multiple pages, or steps within steps.
Learn more and try it!
October 20, 2011

Full instructions here (28MB, 93 page PDF). Instructions created using Lic.
See whole set including the real life creation on Flickr.
January 30, 2011
I’ve posted a new Lic build (version 0.5.11). Not a lot of new features; mostly bug fixes. This version includes a proper OSX app build, finally. The slow, slow climb to version 1.0 continues.
Get it here:
December 18, 2009
Quick & simple stand for 7778 MIDI-scale Falcon. No changes to the ship needed. A simple ball joint like this has almost enough clutch to work, but will wear out pretty fast.
Instructions made using Lic, which is still in the works.
See whole set.